Saturday, December 3, 2011

Big Machines

This week has been a busy week, so we were a little lacks on activities. Instead we were prepping for B's birthday, which this year is all about construction. He's slightly obsessed with anything construction, he will point out and name every vehicle while we're driving. So in the theme of construction, I found a Big Machines Unit online at 1plus1plus1equals1

We got to color bulldozers.

 Counting Big Machines

We even got to read about how much we liked each of the big machines.

He loves locks & keys, so I though this was appropriate with the machine theme, since they always lock them up at night.
Finding the right fit.

I had planned to let B take his construction trucks out to the dirt or sand box this day, but it FINALLY rained.
 So the next best thing, playdoh. While this wasn't as fun as dirt, he loved scooping it up in his excavator and putting it in the dump truck.
And then there was making tracks in it, since they all had different wheels.
B is very into games right now, but not generally matching. He seems to give me this 'please mom, I am SO past this' every time I give him a matching project. However these two were different, I'm sure because they were all about trucks and vehicles. The found the Tonka stickers above at the dollar store & knew right away they'd be a hit.

These stickers came from a playgroup buddy (thanks N).  I hate for good stickers to be a one time only thing, and these were awesome, not only were there two of each character, they were puffy! So I decided we need to get more than one use out of these cool guys. B was excited when I suggested we make a game out of them. He had a blast making this matching game & then playing it. He loves that it's Bob the Builder too!

We were also lucky a few weeks before this unit and his birthday we got to visit a REAL construction site, thanks to an old friend (thanks K). Here are a few shots from that day; he had a BLAST! For days afterwards he talked about all these big machines.

 Can you tell how happy he is?

And then there was the dirt! You can see it on his hands, but what's harder to see is it's actually all over his face too.
Oh to be a mother of a little boy ;)

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