The temperatures keep climbing; this weekend it was 112! Now I'm a Texas girl, but come on, can we get a little break. Do you know how hard it is to keep an almost 3 year old inside most of the day? Almost impossible, unless you want to go crazy by the mid afternoon. So with that in mind, I've been trying to find activities that keep us cool enough to be outside...even if only for 15 to 30 minutes. Today resulted in Noodle Sculptures. These are simple & so limitless. Great for indoors or out. Take a pool noodle cut it into sections, then add some toothpicks and let the creativity begin.
Simple sculpture.
Placing the toothpicks in.
The second B started this, I thought 'that looks like a birthday cake.'
Adding a few more toothpicks.
Look Momma, 'I made a cake with candles!' Yes, he thought this up on his own.
I just happened to see the same thing in the sculpture he was building. Like mother, like son. ;)
Tugboat pushing 'barges'.
He was trying to make a dinosaur, and got most of the way. I helped him finish with the mouth
& 'spikes' on it's back. B had fun making his floating dino chase boats in the pool.
*If you use the toothpicks in the water,
after 10 minutes or so they do start to splinter easily when pushing them through the noodles.
We tried to keep them out, but some how wound up with a floating pile in the water.