Friday, October 28, 2011

Leaves are falling...

Leaves are falling, softly falling, floating to the ground;
Red & orange, brown & yellow, floating to the ground...

Fall is here and we are learning about what this season means, from cooler weather, shorter days, harvest time, to leaves changing & falling.

Our fall sensory bin...
(what's in it: leaves, apples, mini gourds & pumpkins, spider rings...all from the dollar store; sticks & acorns from our nature walk & a rake, insect viewer, magnifying glass, & twizzers)

He has fun digging, raking & find all the hidden treasures in it.

especially the spiders!

Even the kitty was very interested in the spiders.

Our flannel board with story.

Counting the leaves on the tree.

Leave patterns. Find patterns here.

We made a falling leaves project this week. I printed a template of leaves & B painted them with fall colors.
I wish I would have cut them out first, because once there was paint all over the page I couldn't see the outlines. So I just cut leave patterns myself.

I love how the colors mixed together & he had textured brushes, so the leaves looked like real fall leaves.

I cut out a swirl, and we glued the leaves to we have falling leaves in our classroom.

We also took a nature walk, where we collected acorns & twigs for our sensory bin.

The real fall ground.

A few books we've been reading...

When Autumn Comes

Clifford's First Autumn

Mrs. McNosh and the Great Big Squash

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