Friday, October 14, 2011

Lions, Tigers & Bears...

Yep, that's right it's Zoo week and oh, the fun we've had! We started with our new lap book, where we

Learned what each animal ate.

Matched Heads & Tails.

 Put together a puzzle.
 Matched the zoo animals.

Clipped the beginning letter of each animal. I really thought this was to advanced for him but he proved me wrong...

and did them all, except two he needed help with.
 'S' for snake, because it's close to 'C' sound & flamingo because he didn't know what kind of animal it was.

We even did some sequencing.
 All of these printouts can be found here.

And what would the zoo unit be with out learning about Noah & the ark.

Working on the letter 'Z' this week.

We've done a few art projects,
 like making elephants out of our hands.

B cut the grass and is coloring the water squirting out of the elephants trunk.

What a cute little elephant!

We made a brown bear using old coffee grounds... I got this project from an old book from the 70's about thrifty teaching & using what you have. It is slightly gross, but it worked.

We I cut out the bear, then B spread glue and dipped it into the dried grounds.
Here's his bear; not only was it a true brown bear color, it smelled like coffee!

Another one we attempted was putting stripes on a zebra. We lined our tray with foil for easy clean up. Taped down the zebra cutout and added some dry beans (it calls for a marble, but I couldn't find I improvised). Then dropped a few blobs of paint on the tray, covered it with more foil and...


The big reveal...not so impressive. We'll have to find the marbles, next time. ;)

There were a few other fun activities we did this week...
like working on finger dexterity by picking up monkeys with tweezers.

and putting them in containers. Counting as each went in.

We even had a picnic with our zoo friends

Here are some of the foods our friends like to eat.
Meat- Lion, Celery - Giraffe, Peanuts - Elephant, Banana- Monkey, Berries & Fruit - Bears

and our zoo friends that came to join us.

Our big hit of the week, was going on a safari...after all Texas is starting to look like the African Savannah. ;)
Using his binoculars to find animals...

"Look, I found a zebra in the grass!"

"A rhino up here." 
We tried this with our small animal toob figures, but they were a little TOO small & hid a little to well. So print outs worked well, & if we forgot one it wasn't a big loss.

We've had fun reading new books about animals
We're Going on a Bear Hunt: Anniversary Edition
I think this was the favorite of the week, we've read it every day!

Bears! Bears! Bears!

Fast, Strong and Striped

 and some classics, that we've read since B was an infant (some of my favorites too).

Good Night, Gorilla

Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree

Oso pardo, oso pardo, ¿qué ves ahí? (Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?)

Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?

To round out our week, we took a surprise trip to a zoo. One day at dinner B was telling Daddy about an animal & Daddy asked if B had ever been to a zoo. B said, 'No' then looked at me & said, 'Mommy we should go to a zoo, I've never been!' He was too cute. He has been about four times, but I'm guessing he was probably to young to remember. So here are a few highlights from that trip (I won't bore you with all of them).

Checking out the Kimono Dragon

Sitting with a Jaguar

Watching a Gibbon play. These were swinging, jumping & mimicking a train whistle (one was passing by outside the zoo). They were so fun to watch; if we weren't so hungry we would have watched them longer!

Hope you enjoyed our week at the zoo...we sure did!

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