Friday, December 23, 2011

Luke 2:11

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11

B learned this verse this summer thanks to Backyard Bible Club and I honestly didn't think he'd truly remember it very long. Once again, he proved me wrong. He knows it, well and many of the Christ focused Christmas songs, he'll ask, " is it talking about Luke 2:11...A Savior has been born to you?"
We do a lot of fun things during the Christmas season and while we "believe" in Santa, we ultimately know the true meaning of Christmas and have had some fun learning about the birth of Jesus.
The Fisher Price Nativity set, B really loved this last year but this year mostly plays with the creche itself because it plays Away in a Manger...and he loves music. He has learned to sing part of the song; which has to be the sweetest thing ever hear a preschooler signing Christmas music. At least to this Mom ;)

We also played with our felt Nativity and used our Christmas Story rhyme (found below).
I love the detail and simplicity in these Nativity characters. They remind me of ones from when I was in Sunday School.

You can find this free nativity printables at

Christmas Story Rhyme:

The angel came down
from God to say
that Mary will have a baby on Christmas Day.
His name will be Jesus
God's only Son
He will show that God loves everyone.

Mary and Joseph traveled far,far away.
When they got to Bethlehem, there was no place to stay.
God gave them a stable filled with cows and sheep.
Jesus was born,
and on the hay he did sleep.

The shepherds were watching their sheep at night.
An angel came and caused a great fright!
"Don't be afraid. I have good news!"
Jesus is born for you and you and you
The angels sang and the shepherds ran
 to see the baby God sent to man!

Then wise men came following a special star.
All the way to Jesus,
they came from afar.
They knocked on His door,
then they knelt on the floor.
Then they gave their gifts to Jesus.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours...may it be blessed and may you experience the true meaning of Christmas.


  1. Hi Friend
    Thank you for sharing. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun this Christmas.
    Something funny, we have the same little people nativity and we also used the same felt pictures this year. :)

    1. We did have a good Christmas. That is funny, there are so many links out there to tons of great ideas for the kids.
