Sunday, August 19, 2012

Where did my post go?

So this summer I vowed to go low keyed, no running around from this activity to the next, just simple easy going laziness and fun. I'm proud to say, I have worked very hard at being lazy (in a good way). Life had gotten to hectic & B is only 3...not a trend I want to continue. So instead of focusing on getting out the door to a class, field trip or errand...we just relax and go with the day. Let me just say, WOW, what a difference it has made! There is a complete calm throughout the house. Plus, I have always thought I picked up on all the new things B learned or something creative he did or how funny he is; but these past few weeks I've noticed more things about him that I think I either took for granted or just overlooked before. For instance, he's been trying on his own to sound out words...and even gets them right occasionally. He can remember words to songs, nursery rhymes and memory verses better than Mommy or Daddy. He's even going to play quietly in his room, without a reminder that it's 'quiet time'...because we don't nap anymore :(   All the wonderful things I would have missed out on, if I hadn't taken the time to slow down and just 'be' with this little blessing...

Now back to my post topic...with all this relaxing going on; I've dropped several items off my 'I have to get this or that done before I go to sleep list'. Unfortunately this blog was one of them, I just didn't feel the need to update it every day or even every week. We have been doing fun, relaxing and, crazy summer activities. We've been learning in more of an unschooled manner, we've cuddled, read, played games, traveled, visited the grandparents (alot), played in the water, built countless buildings and construction sites, and yes we even watch movies/TV because I refuse to deprive my child of technology (he is his father's son, so by the time he's 5 he'll know more than me)! Don't get me wrong we do all these things on a normal basis, but lately it's just seemed more relaxing.

I will try to post a few of our summer activities (especially how we've kept cool in this heat) and hope to pick back up once we start school back up in a few weeks. Until then, I hope everyone has had a fabulous summer and has been able to relax at least a little.

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