Thursday, June 28, 2012

Summer of Blazing Imagination #2 - Shaving cream construction

Another day of searing heat in Texas, today we did Shaving Cream Construction for our Summer of Blazing Imagination...

This activity is SO simple...take shaving cream, spray it on a table or other surface add cars, trucks or any vehicles you have & let the imagination begin. B is a ENORMOUS construction fan, so ours became a snowed in construction site. What better way to cool down on a hot day than to play in *snow*!

The trucks working together to pile the *snow* ...I loved how they even made tracks like they would have in real snow.

If you know B or any of our family really, we're not big on being messy. It actually took some coaxing to get him to be okay with his hands being dirty. So these pictures are GREAT, because he is truely having fun at being messy. I'll admit it, I even had to bit my tongue a couple of times when he started to get really crazy with the was starting to take Mommy out of her comfort zone; but look at the joy on his face...everything washes out, doesn't it?

 We even added in some learning by writing letters & drawing shapes.

This was truely worth the $1.00 for the shaving cream. B spent almost an hour at the construction site & probably would have stayed longer if we didn't have other things to do. He even cleaned it up himself ! After all that hard work in the snow his machines needed a good wash down in the sprayer (aka sink).

Oh and in case you're wondering how he handled being messy...B had shaving cream everywhere, the last picture doesn't show how much worse it got. It made it's way up his sleeves, covered his arms, his shirt, the floor and the bench he was sitting on. I think he handled it pretty well ;) 

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