Saturday, June 23, 2012

Family Fun Night

If you're on Pintrest, I'm sure you've seen one of these...however I got my idea off a Chick-a-fil bag.
Unlike many, I have not join the ranks of Pintrest. I know, I's fun and there are great ideas out there. Trust me I've wanted to join, but first I had problems signing in (when it was just starting out), then there's the 'I lost two plus hours of my life looking on Pintrest' comments that almost everyone seems to make. Frankly I don't have one hour much less two to get lost perussing misc. sites. So for now, I'm Pintrest free. I do however have a great Microsoft tool called OneNote (thanks to my DH), that is very similar where I can organize and link all the topics or sites I find I want to go back to. It's so great for homeschooling!

I digress, back to the real reason I'm posting...Our Family Fun Night bucket...
I had a leftover Gerber puffs tin that I just recovered with a design I created on some computer programs I have. Then I laminated it, taped it and added the pins. Voila...instant family fun!

Here's a few ideas, we came up with.
B was SO excited, he picked our first FFN to be Music Night, which was a blast. We pulled out ALL of B's instruments, the keyboard & DH guitar. WOW you should have heard the sounds coming from our house!! There was even some dancing and singing.
So what are you waiting for? Make your own FFN bucket & let the memories begin!

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